Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Perhaps some of you will recall my violent aversion to swans. But for those who do not, here's a quick recap:

Swans make me queasy because all I can think about when I see them is that it's possible for their necks to be tied in a knot.

Apparently this thought reveals some sort of damage deep within and around my psyche, but we need not get into that here. What we do need to get into here is the fact that these...these...these...birds take my discomfort to a whole new level.

Help me.


Gura said...

pelicans? those birds just need some gel. hehe

Anonymous said...


ver said...

And the worst part is that I keep clicking on the stupid link. It's like a car accident: so disturbing that I have to look.

Anonymous said...

How long have you had this aversion? Does it have a color? How does it make you feel?


Rebecca Mabanglo-Mayor said...

I would imagine that flamingos are right out for you too, eh?

All that neck and knees that go the wrong way?

Ahem...yes...sorry for the torture..

ver said...

Yes, indeed, flamingos are on my list of things that make me scream...

Jean Vengua said...

PELICANS make you uncomfortable? I love pelicans. They're so graceful in flight, like feathered teradactyls. Or in this case, pink, punk feathered teradactyls. What's not to like? Of course when they're on the ground they walk around like they're wearing size 12 comfortable shoes.

ver said...

You know, I think anything in the "large bird" category makes me uncomfortable. Or even "not so large." I was once sitting at my kitchen table in Alexandria, Virginia (don't ask), and staring out the window at the snow. Some kind of bird flew over and sat on the deck railing. I kept watching it and it started to get bigger...and bigger...and bigger. Puffing up, I suppose, to keep warm. BUT MAN it gave me the willies.

Killed by birds in a former life, I suppose...