Monday, December 05, 2005

From Me to You

To the child narrating the school play: Please. I beg of you, please. Please stop tapping the microphone while you read.

To the horrible child whose mother is never at rehearsal and who therefore attempts to make all the other mothers do her bidding: I know not where your sense of entitlement originates, but Ima have a word with the woman who birthed you. You little shit.

To the person who invented garlic bread: I love you.

To anyone who's reading: Don't forget you're invited to the Pinoy Booger (I mean "Blogger." Why do I keep doing that?) Party! I hear the delightful Joanne Rondilla will be joining us, as well as Gladys, Sunny, ob (running on Ecuadorean time), Barbara Jane (um, of course) and, if we're lucky, an appearance by one Jean Vengua.

To Patrick: I swear I'm writing you a letter. I have the whole thing in my head. Now I just need my head to cooperate with my pen.

To whom it may concern: Was it absolutely necessary that four of my fingernails break in one day?

To Old Father Time: I need an extra week. Thanks.




Gladys said...

Oh, Ver, I feel bad for the broken nails. I usually cut mine to the quick to avoid the breakage, but I do admit it's not very pretty. Got my eyebrows done yesterday at the Benefit Brow Bar at Macy's with Joanne, so those are pretty -- just for the Pinoy blogger party, which I am mucho looking forward to.

By the way, I am no booger, despite what my siblings may tell you or anyone else...

word verif: dhoggezzk
Take out the k and you've got a funkedified way of saying "doggies."

ver said...

You are too a booger. Don't lie.

Look at you gettin' all fancy with your eyebrows! I am Little Miss DIY when it comes to the brows...

profile said...

do u think they can grow human fingernails on the back of a mouse? just wondering.

word verification: cehevala

now THAT is a beautiful word.

cehevala! mabuhay! cehevala! cheguevarra!

bjanepr said...

can't wait! i definitely cd use some silliness. in the meantime, my fingernails are - apparently - tough as nails, not a lotta breakage these days. but. re: DIY eyebrows? i am still a coward. will be there with my eyebrows did.


Anonymous said...

OK, fine, I am a booger, but you are too!!!

Like BJ, I can't/don't wanna DIY my eyebrows. Joanne does it and looks great (as do you), but I worry about doin it wrong, as in bald-spot-too-thin-uneven-WRONG. In contrast, my waxer at the Brow Bar was pretty amazin. She was gentle, quick, and gave me more dramatic arch; she trimmed and everything.


profile said...

excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me gals! boys are reading--what's DIY??????

can i DIY a short story so it has a better arch???


(p.s. removed my last name so no one can google my silliness.)

ver said...

Boys? What are...oh, right. Boys. DIY = Do It Yourself.

Now I'm feeling out-of-the-ordinary pressure to have good brows on Saturday. *deeeeep breath* I can do this.


Gladys said...

Too late, Bino! Boys...hee hee...

Go Lil Miz DIY! I promise to stare and fawn over your brows on Saturday.

azkbcuqx. Um, right.