Tuesday, March 30, 2004

My Kingdom For Some Sleep

I cannot go to sleep at a reasonable hour when the spousal unit is gone hopping on a plane-a-day for work stuff. Into bed at 1:30 and up with the kids at 6:30 makes mommy a very crabby girl. I feel like there's cotton stuffed into my head and behind my eyes. Purty.

Last night I was enjoyably sucked into the new PBS documentary The New Americans, which was made by the same team that created the angst-filled, heart-crushing, and lovely Hoop Dreams. In this new one, the filmmakers track different subjects as they leave their homelands and arrive in...ta-da...America, where they promptly discover that, damn, this is hard. I had my knees up to my chin and my Kleenex box at the ready to help with my weepies. Anyhoots, can't wait for the next installment.

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