Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Just In Time For Mother's Day!

Here's a new book to help children cope with mommy's plastic surgery. According to the publisher's web site (which I refuse to link to), it will "help patients explain their transformation to their children."

I hope it comes with a companion book titled Mommy Explains Why You're Not Beautiful Just The Way You Are.

via Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish.


JODI said...

I saw this on the Today Show several weeks ago. The things some will do to make a buck? I left for work before I could see what the psychologist had to say about this twisted child's book.

ver said...

It's so creepy. Especially the mother's exaggerated Barbie figure, half-shirt, and surrounding sparkles. Eeeek.

Tracey said...

OMG! My next column was going to be a spoof review of this book! It's sooooo disturbing.

ver said...

Hahahahaha! Can't wait to read it (um, your column, NOT this book)...