Wednesday, January 12, 2005

When All Else Fails: A List

Things I Was Unable To Do Today:
•Drive while simultaneously locating the Lion King CD, retrieving a My Little Pony from under a seat, and passing a Triscuit to the car's third row.
•Comprehend why a kid's Pooh-bear belly is so cute and why an adult's is...not so much.
•Eat at McDonald's (this since the day my friend D. forced Fast Food Nation on me).
•Make small talk at the gym.
•Snag a comfy chair at the bookstore.
•Any of these, with the exception of this one, which is an everyday occurrence in my house.

Things I Was Able To Do Today:
•Drive while applying lipstick.
•Eat 3/4 of a Clementine Cutie in one bite.
•Cook dinner while blogging, answering e-mail, overseeing children's play activities, and writing thank you notes.
•Restrain myself from keying a car festooned with one of those unintentionally hilarious, Bush-loving "'W'" Stand for Women" stickers.
•Slip my truck into three parking spaces whose meters were already sufficiently fed.
•Write, though not fiction.

An okay kinda day.

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