Wednesday, December 01, 2004

What Happens Is This

I have traditionally gone to sleep on December 1st with a smug look and faint smile on my face, feeling--with some justification--that I am way ahead of the holiday game. Tonight will be no different, for I have attacked our list with the gusto and panache of a Red Velvet Miele Vacuum. At least sixteen gifts have been purchased. Our Christmas cards arrived today. Babysitting has been nailed down for all known parties thus far. Plans for Risa and Vida's birthday party are well in hand.

So, yes, I will wake tomorrow cocooned in security, swaddled in self-confidence. I will spend the next two weeks reveling in the true meaning of the season, not deeply embroiled in its commercial aspects. And then...and then..and then this will happen: in two weeks I will finally deign to glance at my list again, at which point my butt will be so completely down a rabbit hole that there will be little hope of my ever climbing out. My life will turn into a series of nightmares consisting of eternal lines at the post office, desperate online shopping, marathon gift-wrapping sessions, hurried baking, bad hair, and unkempt eyebrows.

So stay with me. The fun is just beginning.


Here, a truncated version of my cyberspace shopping journey:

Look! It's Yoshitomo Nara's little wanderer!
Excellent stocking stuffers right here!
Superb service and perfectly nice gifts only a click away!!
Look at this "Things You Must Do To Make Me Happy" pad!
Looking for ugly dolls? Well, look no further!

And just for kicks:

Another sentence ending with an exclamation mark!

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