Friday, October 08, 2004

Research, Procrastination, or A Little of Both

I have been working on my Huntsman story. I have. But when I'm not, I'm reading Gregory Maguire's Mirror, Mirror, which places Snow White (called Bianca de Nevada here) in Tuscany during the 16th century. Just forty-three pages in, and I've already been privy to three or four points of view, including a dwarf's. But no Huntsman yet. I'm ambivalent about the little woodcut-inspired illustrations in this novel. They're a bit gimmicky for my taste, and they don't do much to enhance my reading experience. In case you wondered.

And then of course there is this compulsively clickable hypertext version. It is An Evil Trap sent to derail me. Unfortunately, knowing this does not keep me from succombing to its siren call.

Wish me buena suerte...

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