Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Saturday, The Beach

Flying Fish Grill
Originally uploaded by ver.
A perfect Saturday goes something like this: pack up the kids and head to Half Moon Bay. Turn right on Montesina, park on the cliff. Keep your fingers crossed that your children, who have sprinted far ahead and out of sight on the winding path, are not injured or abducted before you catch up to them.

They are not.

Watch said children play tag with the water. Notice how their screams are not half as loud when compared to the roaring of the ocean. Walk around picking up only smooth grey rocks. Make plans to put them in a huge hurricane lamp on your mantle. Note also the white rocks. You will gather only the smooth white rocks next time, and put them in another huge hurricane lamp on the other side of the mantle.

Laugh when Lea gets knocked over by a wave, stands up, and gets knocked over again. Smile while you watch the spousal unit take care of her.

After another hour, trek back to the car. Head out of town, but stop for lunch at the Flying Fish Grill first. Eat two of what are arguably the world's finest fish tacos and some fairly excellent polenta fries. When you're done, walk next door and buy eight ears of the last of summer's white corn.

Eat the corn at dinner while you discuss exactly when you will return to the Flying Fish Grill.

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